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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Case Study : While dealing with equally empowered senior managers!

#1. Do you think you need to follow different strategy while dealing with equally empowered senior managers? How would you deal with stagnant team the one in this case?

If I have been appointed as consultant, I will I would prefer to do following things first:

  1. Clarify what problem is? What the problem is not?
  2. I identify any commons goals, values, assumptions.
  3. I will doing experiments until I can find approach that’s gets through effectively.
  4. I will keep conversations with Division chiefs and other staffs on issues, not personalities.
  5. I will prefer to use simple wording to explain my position. And will practice my positions in advance until I know it well and can say effectively.
  6. I will rehearse positive interaction before the meeting.
  7. I will always keep my attitude positive
  8. I will be clear myself, what I want /need from the other person. I will distinguish between two.
  9. I will carefully watch out for old attitudes that are interfering with my current efforts.
  10. I will make sure my body and verbal language are in agreement.
  11. I will always try not to be side tracked into irrelevant arguments.
  12. In case of difficult issue I will try to address in private.
  13. I never take their dislike ness in personally.
  14. I know walls also have mouth and ears; I will not discuss them with other people.
  15. I will set limit on what I will put up with and stick to it.

With all above mentioned techniques, I try to reach consensus through Collaboration approach. As read carefully the biggest problem in this organization is:

  1. Lack of communication between division heads and staffs.
  2. Every division knows their job better, but never tried to what is going in other divisions.
  3. All division do not have common goal, which is very essential to understand each other.
  4. I found there are ego/personality clashes, which is very bad for the organization interest.

I will suggest following Solutions as consultant:

1. Director and Dy Director must take lead making daily or weekly meeting with the division heads. So that each division heads must know each other and share the experiences of their division and future planning with each others.
2. Every division head must conduct at weekly meeting with all staffs member of their division and share the plans and programs of the division and concern issues of the division rose in departmental meeting.
3. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of department must drafted and implemented for the clear responsibility, accountability and working procedure.
4. Director and Dy Director must be responsible for implementing and monitoring SOP in all divisions.
5. Resource allocation and developmental opportunities must equally distribute to all division, according to the needs and with proper justification.
6. Monitoring and feedback system must adopted strongly according To the SOP.
7. Grievances handing of the organization staff must be on time, so that the morale and productivity are not affected.
8. Director and Dy director must be the role models for whole department.

Do you think that avoiding is an appropriate strategy for the divisional heads to solve their difference? Explain.

I do not thing avoiding is good strategy for the divisional heads to solve their differences. Avoiding is just not paying attention to the conflict and not taking any action to resolve it. It encourages impunity in the organization and slowly it will ruin the morale and productivity of the department. Even in this case of study division heads tried to best to solve this problem just ignoring or avoiding it, but they could get positive result. At last problem reached to Director and his Deputy level. So usually this approach tends to worsen the conflict over time.

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